
Washington, D.C. 20549
PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
For the month of March 2022
Commission File No. 001-36675
(Translation of Registrant’s Name Into English)

Taurusavenue 1
2132LS, Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Tel. No.: +31 237001511
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.
Form 20-F x Form 40-F o
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Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule101(b)(7): o

The following exhibit is furnished herewith:
Exhibit 99.1Press release issued by Stellantis N.V. dated March 2, 2022.
Exhibit 99.2Notice of Annual General Meeting
Exhibit 99.3Agenda and Explanatory Notes
Exhibit 99.4Corporate Governance Statement
Exhibit 99.5Outstanding share capital and voting rights at the date of the notice
Exhibit 99.6Shares registered in the United States - Proxy card

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: March 3, 2022
          STELLANTIS N.V.
/s/ Richard K. Palmer
Name: Richard K. Palmer
Title: Chief Financial Officer

Index of Exhibits

Description of Exhibit
99.1Press release issued by Stellantis N.V. dated March 2, 2022.
99.2Notice of Annual General Meeting
99.3Agenda and Explanatory Notes
99.4Corporate Governance Statement
99.5Outstanding share capital and voting rights at the date of the notice
99.6Shares registered in the United States - Proxy card


Exhibit 99.1

Stellantis Publishes Agenda for 2022 AGM

AMSTERDAM, March 2, 2022 - Stellantis N.V. announced today it has published the agenda and explanatory notes for the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), which will take place virtually on April 13, 2022.

Stellantis' AGM notice and explanatory notes, other AGM materials and instructions for voting and submitting questions in advance of the meeting and to follow the AGM remotely, are available under the Investors section of the Stellantis corporate website at, where they can be viewed and downloaded. Shareholders may request a hard copy of these materials, which include Stellantis’ audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021, free of charge, through the contact below.

About Stellantis

Stellantis N.V. (NYSE / MTA / Euronext Paris: STLA) is one of the world's leading automakers and a mobility provider. Its storied and iconic brands embody the passion of their visionary founders and today’s customers in their innovative products and services, including Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, DS Automobiles, Fiat, Jeep®, Lancia, Maserati, Opel, Peugeot, Ram, Vauxhall, Free2move and Leasys. Powered by our diversity, we lead the way the world moves – aspiring to become the greatest sustainable mobility tech company, not the biggest, while creating added value for all stakeholders as well as the communities in which it operates. For more information, visit

For more information, contact:

Fernão SILVEIRA: +31 6 43 25 43 41 -
Valérie GILLOT: +33 6 83 92 92 96 -
Nathalie ROUSSEL: +33 6 87 77 41 82 -


Exhibit 99.2


The annual general meeting of shareholders (the "AGM") of Stellantis N.V. (the "Company" or "Stellantis") will be virtually held on April 13, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. CEST.

The AGM can be followed via a live webcast that will be available on the Company's website ( Votes can only be cast in advance of the AGM as further set out in this convocation notice. The AGM will be held in English.

The AGM is planned to be held virtually in the manner contemplated by the current temporary legislative measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Should such form not be any more permitted on the date of the AGM, then the AGM will be held at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, subject to applicable restrictions on in-person visits, if any. If needed, a further public announcement in this respect will be made.


Annual Report 2021

a.Report of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2021 (discussion)
b.Policy on additions to reserves and on dividends (discussion)
c.Remuneration Report 2021 (advisory voting)
d.Adoption of the Annual Accounts 2021 (voting)
e.Approval of 2021 dividend (voting)
f.Granting of discharge to the directors in respect of the performance of their duties during the financial year 2021 (voting)

3.Appointment of the independent auditor


Proposal to appoint Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as the Company's independent auditor (voting)
Delegation to the Board of Directors of the authority to acquire common shares in the Company's capital

Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to acquire fully paid-up common shares in the Company’s own share capital in accordance with article 9 of the Company’s articles of association (voting)


This notice, the agenda with explanatory notes, the Annual Report 2021 (including the financial statements), and other documents relevant for the AGM are available on the Company's website (

The relevant AGM materials are also available at the Company's offices (Taurusavenue 1, 2132 LS Hoofddorp, the Netherlands) for shareholders and other persons entitled to attend the meeting who will receive a copy free of charge upon request.


To protect the health and safety of all shareholders and participants in connection with COVID-19 and considering the temporary legislative measures from the Dutch government, shareholders will not be allowed to attend the AGM in person. The meeting can be followed via a live webcast that will be available on the Company's website (


Stellantis' shareholders can hold their shares in Stellantis as follows:

1)Loyalty register. Shareholders holding special voting shares and common shares or shareholders holding common shares electing to receive special voting shares upon completion of the required holding period (the ''Loyalty Shareholders'') registered in the Company's loyalty register (the ''Loyalty Register'').

The Loyalty Register is maintained on the Company's behalf in the records of the Company’s agents: Computershare Trust Co. NA, Computershare S.p.A. and Société Générale Securities Services France (the "Agents" and each the "Agent");

2)Euroclear France. Shareholders holding common shares in an intermediary account with a participant in the Euroclear France system (the "Euroclear France Participant Account");

1The AGM is planned to be held virtually in the manner contemplated by the current temporary legislative measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Should such form not be any more permitted on the date of the AGM, then the AGM will be held at the offices of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Strawinskylaan 10, 1077 XZ Amsterdam, the Netherlands, subject to applicable restrictions on in-person visits, if any. If needed, a further public announcement in this respect will be made.


3)Monte Titoli. Shareholders holding common shares in an intermediary account with a participant in the Monte Titoli system (the "Monte Titoli Participant Account");

4)DTC. Shareholders holding common shares in a bank, brokerage or other intermediary account with a participant in the Depository Trust Company system (the "DTC Participant Account"); and

5)Registered shareholders. Shareholders holding common shares in registered form (the ''Registered Shareholders'') in the Company's shareholders register (the ''Shareholders Register''), maintained by Computershare Trust Co. NA as the Company's transfer agent (the "Transfer Agent" and together with the Agents, the "AGM Agents").


Under Dutch law and the Company’s articles of association, in order to be entitled to attend and, if applicable, to vote at the AGM, shareholders and other persons entitled to attend the AGM, must (i) be registered as of Wednesday March 16, 2022 (the "Record Date"), in the register established for that purpose by the Board of Directors (the "AGM Register") after reflecting all debit and credit entries as of the Record Date, regardless of whether the shares are still held by such holders at the date of the AGM and (ii) request registration in the manner mentioned below.

The AGM Register established by the Board of Directors is: (i) in respect of Loyalty Shareholders, the Loyalty Register, (ii) in respect of shareholders holding common shares in (a) a Euroclear France Participant Account, (b) a Monte Titoli Participant Account or (c) a DTC Participant Account, the administration of the relevant bank, brokerage or other intermediary (the "Intermediary") and (iii) in respect of Registered Shareholders, the Shareholders Register.

The Final Registration Date (as defined in the Company's articles of association) for this AGM is Wednesday April 6, 2022 at 11 p.m. CEST.


Ad (i). Loyalty shareholders

The AGM Agents will send the AGM documentation to Loyalty Shareholders at the e-mail addresses of such shareholders as they appear from the records maintained by the relevant AGM Agent, including instructions that allows them to give their voting instructions by proxy or online vote.

Loyalty Shareholders should give their voting instructions to the relevant AGM Agent by 11 p.m. CEST on the Final Registration Date in writing (contact details below) or electronically via the web procedure made available by the relevant Agent.

Ad (ii)(a). Shareholders holding common shares via Euroclear France


Shareholders holding common shares in a Euroclear France Participant Account (the "EFR Investors") who wish to vote at the AGM should use their banking institution website allowing access to the VOTACCESS platform from Thursday, March 17, 2022 at 9 a.m. CET and until Wednesday, April 6, 2022 at 11 p.m. CEST. Registered shareholders wishing to vote by internet will have to connect, with their usual access codes, to the Sharinbox platform (

Ad (ii)(b). Shareholders holding common shares in a Monte Titoli Participant Account

Shareholders holding common shares in a Monte Titoli Participant Account (the "MT Investors") who wish to vote at the AGM by proxy should request their Intermediary to issue a statement confirming their shareholding (including the shareholder’s name and address and the number of shares notified for attendance and held by the relevant shareholder on the Record Date). Intermediaries must submit the notice of participation no later than on the Final Registration Date at 11 p.m. CEST to Computershare S.p.A. The MT Investors may give their voting instructions through the relevant proxy form published on the Company’s website ( They can also cast their votes in advance of the AGM via the web procedure made available to MT Investors by Computershare S.p.A.

Ad (ii)(c). Shareholders holding common shares in a DTC Participant Account

Shareholders holding common shares in a DTC Participant Account should give instructions to their Intermediary, as the record holder of their shares, who is required to vote their shares according to their instructions. In order to vote their shares at the AGM, they will need to follow the directions provided by their Intermediary.

Ad (iii). Registered Shareholders

The Transfer Agent will send the AGM documentation to Registered Shareholders at the addresses of such shareholders as they appear from the Shareholders Register, including the Proxy Card with the instructions that allows them to give their voting instructions by telephone at +1-800-652-VOTE or internet at Such Proxy Card will also be available on the Company’s website (


Subject to compliance with the paragraphs referred to above, shareholders can vote at the AGM by proxy and follow the meeting via live webcast on the Company's website ( In order to give proxy and voting instructions, the shareholder (a) must have registered his or her shares as set out above and (b) must ensure that the duly completed and signed proxy including, as appropriate, voting instructions, will be received by the relevant AGM Agent (contact details below) by 11 p.m. CEST on the Final Registration Date in writing or electronically pursuant to instructions contained in the proxy forms. All votes shall be cast electronically or in writing ahead of the AGM in accordance with the proxy and voting instructions.



As further set out in the Company's articles of association, no shareholder, acting alone or in concert, together with votes exercised by affiliates of such shareholder or pursuant to proxies or other arrangements conferring the right to vote, may be able to exercise, directly or indirectly, 30 percent (the "Maximum Voting Threshold") or more of the votes that could be cast at a general meeting of the Company. Any voting right of such shareholder in excess of the Maximum Voting Threshold for a general meeting will be suspended by the Company. This voting limitation also applies with respect to the AGM. The Maximum Voting Threshold with respect to the AGM will be published on the Company's website on the day following the Final Registration Date.

Furthermore, the Company's articles of association provide that, before each general meeting, any shareholder holding voting rights in excess of the Maximum Voting Threshold is required to notify the Company, in writing, of its shareholding and total voting rights in the Company and provide, upon written request by the Company, any information necessary to ascertain the composition, nature and size of its shareholding and any other person acting in concert with it. This notification obligation also applies with respect to the AGM.


Shareholders can submit questions regarding the agenda items of the AGM by email to until Sunday April 10, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. CEST. The email has to include the name, the surname, the number of shares held by the shareholder, the AGM agenda item to which the question refers and the bank or broker statement proving shareholder’s shareholding at the Record Date.

The Company intends to address the questions during the meeting, to the extent appropriate with a view to the orderly conduct of the meeting. Shareholders who have submitted questions before the deadline mentioned above may ask follow-up questions during the AGM in accordance with the instructions given at the AGM, and only insofar the order of the meeting allows.


1)Computershare S.p.A.
Via Nizza 262/73, 10126 Torino

2)Computershare Trust Company NA
P.O. BOX 505000
Louisville, KY 40233-5000

By Overnight Delivery:
462 South 4th Street
Suite 1600
Louisville, KY 40202

3)Société Générale Securities Services France
Assemblées Générales


32 Rue du Champ de Tir
CS 30812 – 44308 NANTES cedex 3

March 2, 2022

Stellantis N.V.
The Board of Directors


Exhibit 99.3



To be virtually held on April 13, 2022



Annual Report 2021

a.Report of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2021 (discussion)
b.Policy on additions to reserves and on dividends (discussion)
c.Remuneration Report 2021 (advisory voting)
d.Adoption of the Annual Accounts 2021 (voting)
e.Approval of 2021 dividend (voting)
f.Granting of discharge to the directors in respect of the performance of their duties during the financial year 2021 (voting)

Appointment of the independent auditor

Proposal to appoint Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as the Company's independent auditor (voting)

Delegation to the Board of Directors of the authority to acquire common shares in the Company's capital

Proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to acquire fully paid-up common shares in the Company’s own share capital in accordance with article 9 of the Company’s articles of association (voting)




1. Opening

The chairperson of the meeting will open the meeting.

2. Annual Report 2021

A. Report of the Board of Directors for the financial year 2021 (discussion)

The Report on Operations of the Company is contained in the Company’s Annual Report 2021. For further details please refer to the “Report on Operations” section of the Annual Report.

B. Policy on additions to reserves and on dividends (discussion)

The Company's dividend policy as referred to below contemplates an annual ordinary dividend to be distributed by the Company to the holders of common shares.

Common shares
The Company’s dividend policy contemplates an annual ordinary dividend to the holders of common shares targeting a payout ratio of 25%-30% of the Company’s Net Profit for the relevant prior financial year.

The actual level of dividend to be distributed by the Company will be determined by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion and will be subject to earnings, cash balances, commitments, strategic plans and any other factors that the Board of Directors may deem relevant at the time of a dividend distribution, including adjustments for income or costs that are significant in nature but expected to occur infrequently.

Special voting shares
The holders of special voting shares are not entitled to any distributions. However, pursuant to article 29.4 of the Company's articles of association, from any amount of profits not reserved by the Board of Directors, first an amount shall be allocated and added to a separate special voting shares dividend reserve for the benefit of the holders of special voting shares (the "Special Voting Shares Dividend Reserve"). The Company has no intention to propose any distribution from the Special Voting Shares Dividend Reserve.

C. Remuneration Report 2021 (advisory voting)

Pursuant to article 2:135b subsection 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the Remuneration Report 2021 will be submitted to the General Meeting of Shareholders for its advisory vote. It is proposed to the General Meeting of Shareholders to cast a favorable advisory vote.

The Remuneration Report for 2021 is contained in the Annual Report 2021 and is available on the Company's website. For further details, please refer to the "Remuneration Report" section of the Annual Report 2021.


D. Adoption of the Annual Accounts 2021 (voting)

The Company's Annual Accounts 2021 have been drawn up by the Board of Directors and audited by Ernst & Young Accountants LLP, who have issued an unqualified opinion. It is proposed that the Annual Accounts 2021 be adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

E. Approval of 2021 dividend (voting)

Subject to the adoption of the Company’s Annual Accounts 2021 (including the consolidated and statutory financial statements) by the General Meeting of Shareholders and in accordance with article 29 of the articles of association of the Company, the Board of Directors proposes to approve a dividend payment from the profits shown in the 2021 Annual Accounts on the Company’s common shares of EUR 1.04 per common share. This results in a total cash distribution for the financial year 2021 of approximately EUR 3.3 billion (equivalent to approximately USD 3.7 billion, translated at the exchange rate reported by the European Central Bank on February 22, 2022). The dividend will be paid fully in cash.

Upon approval by the General Meeting of Shareholders, the expected calendar for the common shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange, Mercato Telematico Azionario and Euronext France will be as follows: (i) ex-date April 19, 2022, (ii) record date April 20, 2022, and (iii) payment date April 29, 2022.

The balance between the total amount of the dividend distribution for the financial year 2021 and the full amount of profits shown in the Company’s Annual Accounts 2021 shall be reserved and added to the (relevant) reserves of the Company (in accordance with the Company's articles of association) in order to further strengthen the capital position of the Group.

F. Granting of discharge to the directors in respect of the performance of their duties during the financial year 2021 (voting)

The General Meeting of Shareholders is requested to grant discharge to:

(i)the executive directors in office in 2021 in respect of the performance of their management duties; and
(ii)the non-executive directors in office in 2021 in respect of the performance of their non-executive duties,

as such performance is apparent from the Annual Report 2021 or otherwise disclosed to the General Meeting of Shareholders prior to the adoption of the Annual Accounts 2021.

3. Appointment of the independent auditor (voting)

Pursuant to article 27 of the Company's articles of association, the General Meeting of Shareholders has the authority to appoint the independent auditor that will conduct the audit of the financial statements.

The Audit Committee has reviewed the performance of the independent auditor and the effectiveness of the audit. Based on such review, the Audit Committee has recommended the re-appointment of Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as the Company's independent auditor until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2023.

The Board of Directors concurs with the Audit Committee’s recommendation and submits to the shareholders the proposal to reappoint Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as the Company's independent auditor until the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of 2023.

4. Delegation to the Board of Directors of the authority to acquire common shares in the Company's capital (voting)

The Board of Directors believes that it is beneficial for the Company to have the flexibility to acquire common shares, inter alia, to service equity-based incentive plans of the Company and to enable the Board of Directors to carry out share buy-back programs if the Board of Directors considers such buy-back would increase earnings per share and be in the best interests of the Company and its stakeholders.

Therefore, it is proposed that the General Meeting of Shareholders, in accordance with article 9 of the Company's articles of the association and without prejudice to the provisions of section 2:98 of the Dutch Civil Code, delegates the authority to acquire common shares in the Company's capital to the Board of Directors, either through purchase on a stock exchange, a public tender offer, an offer for exchange or otherwise, up to a maximum number of shares equal to 10% of the Company’s issued common shares as per the date of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (April 13, 2022) at a purchase price per share no lower than the nominal value of the shares and no higher than an amount equal to 110% of the market price of the shares on the New York Stock Exchange and/or the Mercato Telematico Azionario and/or Euronext Paris (as the case may be); such market price being calculated as the average of the highest price on each of the five days of trading prior to the date on which the acquisition is made, as shown in the Official Price List of the New York Stock Exchange and/or the Mercato Telematico Azionario and/or Euronext Paris (as the case may be); the authority pursuant to this item shall be for a period of 18 months from the date of the 2022 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (April 13, 2022) and therefore up to and including October 12, 2023.

This authorization will allow the Board of Directors to be flexible and to respond quickly to circumstances that require a repurchase of the Company’s common shares, and can be used for any and all purposes.

The adoption of this proposal by the General Meeting of Shareholders will replace the current authorization of the Board of Directors to repurchase common shares in the Company's capital, which was granted by the General Meeting of Shareholders for a period of eighteen months from April 15, 2021. The repurchase of common shares under this agenda item includes depositary receipts thereof.

5. Closing

The chairperson of the meeting will close the meeting.


Exhibit 99.4


In accordance with the Dutch Decree on requirements of the management report (Besluit inhoud bestuursverslag) (the Decree), Stellantis N.V. (the Company) publishes this statement relating to corporate governance as part of the annual report of the board of directors of the Company for 2021 (the Annual Report). As permitted by Article 2a of the Decree, the Company has opted to publish its corporate governance statement by posting it on the website ( For the statement in this declaration as stipulated in Articles 3, 3a and 3b of the Decree reference is made to the relevant pages in the Annual Report. The following statements are deemed to be included and repeated herein:
the statement relating to the compliance with the principles and best practices of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the Code), including the motivated deviation of the compliance of the Code, can be found on page 152 of the Annual Report in the chapter “Corporate Governance”;
the statement concerning the most important characteristics of the control and risk management systems in relation to the process of the financial accounting of the Company and the group, can be found on page 92 of the Annual Report;
the statement about the functioning of the general meeting of shareholders and the most important powers thereof as well as the rights of shareholders and how these may be executed, can be found on page 140 of the Annual Report in the chapter “Corporate Governance”;
the statement regarding the composition and functioning of the board of directors can be found on page 117 of the Annual Report in the chapter “Corporate Governance”;
the statement regarding the diversity policy applied in respect of the composition of the board of directors can be found on page 151 of the Annual Report in the chapter “Corporate Governance”;
the statement in accordance with Decree Article 10 EU‐Directive on Take‐overs (Besluit artikel 10 overnamerichtlijn) can be found on page 364 of the Annual Report.

Stellantis N.V., March 2, 2022


Exhibit 99.5


As of March 2, 2022 – the date of the notice for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the ‘AGM’) of Stellantis N.V. (the ‘Company’) to be held on April 13, 2022 the share capital of the Company consists of the following.

3,132,807,784 common shares are issued and outstanding. Common shares are listed, freely transferable and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.

178,622 special voting shares are issued and outstanding. Special voting shares are not listed, are not transferable (with the limited exceptions set forth in the Articles of Association and Special Voting Shares Terms and Conditions) and each of them confers the right to cast one vote.

No vote may be cast on shares belonging to the Company or to a subsidiary thereof or on shares in respect of which either of them holds the depositary receipts.

The total number of voting rights which can be cast at the AGM equals to 3,132,986,406.

Stellantis N.V., March 2, 2022


Exhibit 99.6